• Transltor with Voice

    Trnslator with Voice

    This application is designed to be a translator for all languages with voice support.

    News: This app supports iPad natively with full width and height.

    This application can translate a sentence among the following languages and it can read the sentence in different languages as well.

    It becomes very handy when you learn foreign languages or travel aboard. The top right button translate from your local language to any other languages. The bottom left button will translate from bottom to top. Therefore, all languages in the list can translate among each other. Most importantly, it can read the translated languages for you as well. For example, when you travel to China, you can have this application translate your language to Mandarin and talk it out in Mandarin. It is very convenient for any travelers.

    It allows the user change the input language temporarily. For example, if the default keyboard input(Locale) is English, you still can input Spanish, French, German, Dutch or Italian or others and translate to English or others. Therefore, it is a translator for all languages.

    It is a translator among all languages that is listed as following:

    English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Galician, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish

    It can support the voice of most languages. But the following languages voice support are not included: Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Danish, Estonian, Filipino, Hebrew,Irish, Galician, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Persian, Slovenian, Thai, Ukrainian, Yiddish

    Network is required for any translation. However the voice support is built in the application.

    Speech to Text service is powered by iSpeech.

    [Next Update] Allow the user to save the translated text.

    User Guide